Vauxhall Movano L1h1 F2800 P/v
Back to showroom£5,500
115,632 Miles
Panel Van
2.3 L
Key Features
This Vauxhall Movano is 9 years old and has had 1 registered keeper. With 115632 miles recorded, it has done an average of 12848 miles per year. First registered in 2017. This White Panel Van is for sale in the Maldon region for £5,500.
Under Floor Spare Wheel Windscreen and Front Side-Window Demist Vents Warning Indicators Vinyl Floor Covering in Cabin Area Unglazed Rear Doors - 90-180 Opening Two Speed Windscreen Wipers with Variable Intermittent Wipe - Electric Screenwash Twin Reversing Lights Sunvisors - Twin Steering Wheel - Height Adjustable Steering Column Mounted Audio Controls Steering Column Lock Speedometer Side Repeater in Exterior Mirrors Secure Fuel Filler Flap Seats - Dual Front Passengers Bench Roof-Mounted Flexible Aerial Rev Counter Centre Rear Brake Light Floor Mounted Handbrake Lever Facia Mounted Gear Lever
Cost & Efficiency
32.1 mpg201.0 (g/km)40.4 mpg36.7 mpgE6-
* Cars registered on or after 01/04/17 with a list price of over £40,000 at first registration including those with 0g/km will pay a vehicle road fund licence surcharge for 5 years from the start of the second licence
Performance & Engine
--108 bhp (3500 rpm)2.3 L87 mph214 lb-ft (1500 rpm)--44x2
*Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information above. However, errors may occur. Check with a salesperson about items which may affect your decision to purchase.
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